Chandrika Dasgupta
For Westlake Town Council
Driving Westlake Values Together
Dear Residents of Westlake,
My name is Chandrika Dasgupta and I am running for Westlake Town Council. This amazing town has been our home since 2015 and its loving residents and strong family values has made it easy for my family to lay down deep roots within this community. I have two boys who attend Westlake Academy and I strongly believe the town needs representation from a Westlake Academy parent.
For years, I have been involved in various school and town initiatives without holding an official position. From these experiences, I have learned that accountability, transparency and measurable deliverables are imperative to achieve the ultimate goal, which is the growth of our wonderful town by fostering a strong sense of community and a solid education for our children.
I have over 20 years of experience in real estate from development to construction to service management across multiple global markets and have a vision of responsible and intelligent growth in Westlake that preserves our way of life while enhancing property values and quality of our institutions.
Having worked outside the system for a while, I am now trying to be a part of it. With your support, I am hoping to be your voice to bring a new and fresh perspective in the council and I promise to have your best interest, always.
Please click on the links above to know a bit about me and more importantly what I would bring to the council.
Thank you.